Blog | tag security

BlueBag - Mobile Covert Bluetooth Attack and Infection Device


I missed Claudio Merloni and Luca Carettoni's talk about their cool suitcase based bluetooth hacking system named BlueBag, because I was fighting an epic battle with a cruel hangover this morning. I did get a chance to talk to them and photograph the bag up close in the press room. The system inside is a low powered Micro-ATX motherboard running Gentoo Linux and the custom software that does the actual hacking will be available soon on their website. The system can detect and attack bluetooth devices from distances of over several hundred feet thanks to the built in amplifiers and the attacker can access the BlueBag system via a laptop remotely. The BlueBag has a side effect of knocking out 802.11b within about 10 meters due to the bluetooth amps. They chose not to fly with the BlueBag and instead shipped it in to Vegas, which was probably a good idea due to the extremely suspicious contents of the case. More photos of the BlueBag here.

Thursday, August 3rd, 2006 -

Secure Cacti with Net-SNMP and SSH Tunnels

So I finally got around to setting up cacti/snmp on my servers. Here is what I did:

  1. Installed cacti on the main monitoring server which we'll call slappy. I used the FreeBSD port of cacti. Slappy already had php/mysql/apache installed.
  2. Added a user snmp to slappy and then I generated keys using ssh-keygen for each of the servers that slappy would be monitoring.
  3. On each of the servers that slappy would be monitoring I installed net-snmp from the ports tree and configured it to run over tcp on and then I added a user snmp with a nologin shell and without password authentication as I will just be using snmp to create a tunnel to the snmpd process that will be running on localhost.
  4. Back on slappy I su'ed to the snmp user and created a shell script that would set up the tunnels to each of the servers using a command like this: ssh -i ~/.ssh/keys/hostname -f -N -L 16101: hostname and then added the script as a cronjob.
  5. Finally I added all the servers to cacti using the basic built-in net-snmp support as well as a couple of qmail and mysql scripts.

So I now have a nice collection of graphs for traffic / disk space / processor, memory and mysql load.

Saturday, November 26th, 2005 -

Defcon 15 : Photo Essay

As I mentioned in my previous blog posts, I attended my 6th Defcon this year. I had a great time and actually ended up getting hired by Wired Blog to shoot photos of the event, many of which can be found here. A few of them also made it onto the main Wired website. Of course I took hundreds of photos and only a handful were used by Wired, so here are some highlights from my collection:

Glowing DC Badges

Hacked Badge


Uncle Ira Junk

Black Badges

More after the jump, and the whole archive can be found in my Defcon 15 gallery.

Friday, August 31st, 2007 -

Black Hat 2006 - Opening Intro and Fighting Organized Crime Keynote

Jeff Moss and Dan Larkin

I just caught the opening intro from Jeff Moss aka Dark Tangent. He dispelled rumors that Microsoft had attempted to buy a track at the convention, explaining that he was hoping to have some of the Vista engineers at the con to talk about their work that would hopefully coincide with the imminent release of the new OS. As it turned out the Vista release date has been pushed back, so that didn't work out as planned.

The opening keynote was given by Dan Larkin, FBIU Unit Chief of Cyber Initiative & Resource Fusion Unit Cirf-U, a spinoff of IC3. He started out with some bad jokes about how far computers have come which elicited a sum total of zero laughs from the audience. His talk became more interesting when he talked about strides the feds had made in past years working with academia, industry and experts in the field. The FBI is actively investigating all types of cybercrime ranging from phishing to spamming to bank fraud and are uncovering vast organized crime organizations that span the globe.

I had a chance to talk to Dan Larkin more after his talk and I asked him about what percentage of the crime the investigate involves music, movie and software piracy and he said that the organized criminals involved really have their hands in anything and everything illegal that can make them money. He said 30% of the bad guys crime involves When it comes to music, software and music.

I am torn between three of the next talks scheduled, of which I will try and catch a few minutes of each: Bypassing NAC by Ofir Arkin, Black Ops 2006 by Dan Kaminsky and Trusted Computing Revolution by Bruce Potter. Dan's talks are always great and I've enjoyed Ofir's in the past as well. I am pulling the shots from the keynote off my CF card right now and will upload them as soon as they are done.

Jeff Moss aka Dark Tangent

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006 -

Black Hat 2006 Day 1 - Sidewinder

Shawn Embleton

Frequently you find a speaker who is covering a very interesting topic, but may not quite have a firm grasp on keeping a crowd interested. Public speaking is not a skill that I have mastered, and I feel that the folks that were talking about Sidewinder are in the same boat. Sidewinder is a promising piece of software that Shawn Embleton, Sherri Sparks and Ryan Cunningham are working on. Sidewinder is a fuzzer that uses genetic algorithms to evolve the fuzzed input in order to get the funky data to the place in the code where you want it. The next logical step of their application is to add some software to create exploits once you get to the place in the code where you suspect a vulnerability may exist. Keep an eye on these three, I see big things coming from their collective intelligence in the next few years.

Update I had a chance to speak with Shawn about the Sidewinder application and he told me it was all coded in just a few months. He isn't sure if he will have time to continue development on the application, but I encouraged him to as I feel it is a great concept and could grow to be one of the best fuzzers out there.

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006 -

Monitoring Traffic / Intrusions

I wrote an article a few months ago about using freebsd and ipfilter to do transparent bridging in combination with ipfw. This article goes into further detail about monitoring the firewall.

In my previous article I talked about zeebeede. I've decided against using at as I found that net-snmp now allows for the daemon to bind to tcp instead of udp. This makes it easy to set up an ssh tunnel which will give us a secure means of transfering the snmp queries over the wire...

Monday, December 9th, 2002 -

Defcon Supplies

I have arrived in Las Vegas for Defcon and Black Hat (not in that order). I love Defcon. I believe this will be my 8th year at the 'con. I've been covering it for Wired since last year and for my own blog the year before.

I also posted a sneak peek of the Defcon 16 badge on earlier this week. I can't wait to get my hands on a production version.

My Defcon Supplies

A nice selection of supplies covers my bed including 8 SD cards (for friends), IR LEDs, a soldering station, a bare bones arduino, a breadboard, various components and Maker's Mark.

Thursday, August 7th, 2008 -

Annoying SSH Scans...

Not that they are going to guess any of my passwords with this scanning (as I use difficult, non english, symbol filled passwords) but it still pisses me off:

Saturday, September 10th, 2005 -

Black Hat Day 1 - Registration

black hat swag

I am attending a 2 day security convention in Las Vegas called Black Hat. The flight in from LAX was short, although I did get the old TSA hassle, for the first time ever I was directed to stand in the little search corral and the frisked me, then swapped my bags and fed that to the spectrometer, I heard from another attendee that people all over the country are getting extra hassles.

I showed up at Caesar's Palace right at 8am to get my credentials and everything went smoothly. The line for the general credentials was insanely long, but luckily there was a press line that was only a dozen or so people deep. Jeff Moss will be giving his intro in a few minutes and then the keynote: "Fighting Organized Cyber Crime", which should be interesting. I'll get some photos of the speakers and try and upload them and give an update between talks. The photo above is of the free swag you get upon registration... a pretty good haul.

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006 -

Defcon 15 : Badge Radness

Defcon 15 Badge

I just got my wife's badge for Defcon (they're not giving out press badges 'till tomorrow) and it is totally and completely awesome. At first when I put the batteries in, the LEDs lit up and then nothing happened. I tried shorting a few pins together on the back to no avail and then by accident I figured out that the front has two buttons, which are the smiley skull and the dial. After pressing the buttons it scrolled some text about Defcon, and then I hit the buttons a few more times and saw POV, which stands for persistence of vision. I swung the badge around and saw the word defcon, just like the cool spoke POV kits. Then I pushed the buttons a few more times and it displayed: TEXT. I held both buttons at once and I was able to program in 15 characters of text using the buttons to navigate and pressing them both at once to select a letter. I choose: "EECUE[HEART]PENELOPER^" with the heart being an actual heart symbol. The badge offers a full upper and lowercase alphabet along with an assortment of symbols and punctuation. After adding the 15 characters the text began to scroll in a marquee fashion. This is the dopest badge ever. Hell yeah and way to go Defcon!

Defcon 15 Badge

Defcon 15 Badge

Thursday, August 2nd, 2007 -

Hardware Hacks and Cracks with FPGAs

FPGA Array

"Faster Pwning Assured: Hardware Hacks and Cracks with FPGAs" with David Hulton & Dan Moniz. I didn't stay for this talk, as I'd seen Hikari's original talk at LayerOne a couple years back, but I did get a couple shots of him and the expanded setup of FPGAs.

Hikari, David Hulton

Thursday, August 3rd, 2006 -

Back from DEFCON

Photos and words coming soon.


So believe it or not I have been slammed at work since I got back from the con and I really haven't had any time to sort my photos and write about my experiences at DEFCON, or at the parties I attended. I just got back from the walking tour of Downtown LA focusing on the Art Deco buildings in the area. I took some photos and I'm going to both sort those and the DEFCON pics and upload tonight.... oh and another thing... if I have time tomorrow I will be releasing a few more pages of LA from an Auto.


Oh my it must be a chilly day in hell as Penelope posted two entries on her site!!! One is a review of defcon... good job sweetie!

Monday, August 1st, 2005 -

Defcon 16 Wrap-up

Last weekend I covered Defcon 16, the world's largest hacker convention for's Threat Level blog. Like last year, I was paired with Kim Zetter, one of Wired's best writers and an all around cool person.

Zetter wrote all the serious articles, which I provided pictures for. These articles included:

I did end up writing a few features that weren't hard news, but were still fun to write and shoot:

The Defcon NOC piece ended up on the front page of Slashdot, Gizmodo, Hack A Day, BoingBoing and more. Some of the other pieces I wrote also got picked up on various other sites.

I had a great time this year at Defcon, it was my 8th Defcon and I can't wait for next year. I'm looking forward to working with Zetter again and getting another tour of the NOC!

Defcon 16 NOC Tour on piece in which I toured the Defcon Network Operations Center.

Tuesday, August 12th, 2008 -

Major Flaw in Proposed RFID Passports

The guys from a wireless research company called Flexilis who happen to be based a block and a half from my loft, just showed me their proof of concept demo of a serious flaw in the upcoming RFID embedded Passports, scheduled to be released in October. The RFID passports incorporate a shielding mechanism to prevent rogue readers from picking up the sensitive information contained in your US passport, but as it turns out if the passport is slightly open it can be read. This may not seem like much of a big deal until you watch the following video where they created a proof of concept Improvised Explosive Device that detects the presence of a US passport and detonates a charge (or in their test case, some model rocket engines).

This hack could also be used to identify to unique individual and then detonate a device or track them. Because the RFID technology works at only close distances this attack is especially dangerous. I talked to them about the possibilities of attacking the RFID chip even if the passport is closed and it is possibly that with a very strong electromagnetic field, the data could be read on a subcarrier, but they still have more research to do in that area. Here is their abstract about the demo:

The FLX[2006‐0605] video security brief demonstrates a real‐world vulnerability associated with the failure of the shielding component in the current proposed electronic passport design. When partially open, as could be the case when in a pocket, purse, or briefcase, the currently proposed passport can be detected by a nearby inquiring RFID reader. The security brief also demonstrates an improved shield design that requires a passport to be significantly open before reading is possible.

You can read the full RFID Passport Technical Analysis (84K PDF) or the RFID Passport Shield Failure Demonstration (120 KB). The good news is they have proposed a fix for the problem, John Hering told me he had discovered the vulnerability 2 years ago, but didn't want to release knowledge of the problem until he had a fix to go with it.

Digg This Article

UPDATE Well it looks like the Department of State decided not to wait until October to begin issuing these dangerous passports. Here is their press release.

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006 -


Once a year hackers, crackers, geaks, freaks, drunks and gun toting maniacs get together in Las Vegas for the security convention known as DEFCON. Although the con has many speakers and events in the past I have gone to eat, drink and be merry in LV and this year will be no exception as thoughts of Nobu, Bellagio Buffet and Habeñero Rum dance through my head. (which I host / am a member of) is a great spot to find photos from the con both past and present. If you're going, I'll see you there!

Tuesday, July 26th, 2005 -

Let the RFID Hacking Begin

Now that money is involved it will only be a short amount of time before RFIDs are blown wide open as the next huge security problem. All you have to do is excite the card with the right radio freqs and pick up the response and you're in. Record it, replay it and you have pwn3d the money.

Tuesday, November 8th, 2005 -

Dunk Me @ DefCon

This Saturday at 12:30pm I will be available for dunking in the DefCon EFF dunk tank. The proceeds go to the EFF so it is for a great cause. You know you want to dunk me!

Tuesday, August 1st, 2006 -

OC Hacking Summit IV - No Protection version 4

For the last three years we have brought you panels of security experts from

some of the members of the most elite hacker groups in Southern California.

This year we present the Orange County Hacking Summit IV - No Protection

version 2.003. This year we will be presenting some of the best and

brightest security engineers and hackers of the So Cal hacking and computer

underground community.

Friday, May 2nd, 2003 -

EVDO and Defcon

King Tuna

As everyone in attendance should know, the Defcon network is probably the most dangerous and hostile network in the world. No network is secure, but the wireless network at Defcon is totally insecure with thousands of hackers and script kiddies sniffing traffic and actively attacking ever system they see. This is one reason why I've made it a habit to use an out of band connection for my internet needs. My out of band network of choice is EVDO, but even with that I still send all my traffic through an ssh tunnel to a trusted host.

Verizon's EVDO uses ppp to assign you system a public internet address, and I'm guessing that the IP range varies from city to city. It's no surprise that people know about this as evidenced by the logs below that show port scans bouncing off my firewall.

One of the talks coming up today is "Hacking EVDO," and I was a bit worried that someone had figured out how to sniff EVDO traffic. I happened to run in to King Tuna, who is giving the talk and asked him about what he had found. He told me that currently the protocol is still secure, but that he had found a vulnerability in one of the chipsets which he has written an exploit for. The point of his research was to inspire other people to work on the protocol and break it.

The logs from my firewall can be found after the jump.

Saturday, August 4th, 2007 -

Hacking the Defcon Badge

Defcon Badge with Soldered on Connector

Yesterday at Defcon I went to the vendor area to pick up the Zigbee and accelerometer chips for my awesome Defcon badge. Unfortunately they were out of both chips, but they did let me borrow their soldering iron and gave me some leads to solder onto my badge. I soldered these leads on in a minute or two and then attached my badge to their laptop which had the freescale programming software on it. I modified the source code, which is actually in C, simply changing the hard coded message from "I <3 DEFCON" to "" Changing this, meant that as soon as I powered up the badge it displayed that instead of the default message, and also changed the POV message. After modifying the code, I recompiled the firmware and flashed it to the badge.

Programming the Defcon Badge

The hack was simple and in total took me about 10 minutes. According to the guys at the booth and Joe Grand (the badge's designer) I was the first person at the con to hack a badge. Today I am planning on picking up my own Freescale programmer and the accelerometer chips which should be in stock, and hopefully I'll find some time to modify the badge in more interesting ways. This simple hack has been written up on Wired's 27bstroke6 blog (whom I have been employed by for the duration of the convention as their staff photog), Gizmodo and several other places.

Hacked Defcon Badge

Saturday, August 4th, 2007 -

Craziest Nigerian Email Scam Ever

This is the craziest email scam I've ever gotten. It would be totally plausible if there was any chance that Benazir Bhutto whould have had my email address in her address book. I almost want to respond to see what kind of a scam it is, but I'm sure it's just your average Nigerian Email scam:

From: &#x58;&#88;&#x58;&#88;&#x58;&#88;&#88;&#x58;&#x58;&#88;&#x58;&#x58;&#x58;&#x40;&#x79;&#x61;&#x68;&#111;&#111;&#x2e;&#x63;&#x6f;&#109;

Subject: Re: Benazir Bhutto

Date: March 31, 2008 10:28:38AMPDT

To: undisclosed-recipients: ;


I want to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt appreciation to you for your support during the hour of need. The enemy gave us a huge blow when they took the life of my dear mother. As a matter of fact, I do not know you personally except your contact details I got from my mom's address book. I also pass on my sincere appreciation for the feat we were able to record at the last elections despite the absence of my mom who was the party leader until her brutal assassination. The victory was to all Pakistanis as it clearly demonstrated their commitment to the course my mom stood and died for. Your support is conspicuously recognized and highly appreciated.

Losing her is the hardest thing I've been through all my life, but knowing that she was a hero to many people does comfort me. I know she would appreciate what you all did for her. All we just crave for now is for her killing be probed by an international team under the United Nations. It is the only hope we have of getting the possible plotters of her murder properly investigated. Only this would help us convince our supporters that there was some element of collusion between her murderers and agents of President Musharaf who were determined to get rid of her.

Please do acknowledge receipt of this correspondence as I will be confiding something very important in you when I get to hear from you again.

Very sincerely,

Bilawal Zardari.

Monday, March 31st, 2008 -

Email Fun: Catch-alls, Joe Jobs, SPF and Spam

I no longer have a catch-all email address. For years the email (qmail) server that I run was set up to receive anything So if you sent an email to &#97;&#115;&#x64;&#102;&#108;&#97;&#x6b;&#x68;&#x6a;&#102;&#x6c;&#97;&#107;&#106;&#115;&#102;&#64;&#101;&#101;&#x63;&#117;&#x65;&#x2e;&#99;&#x6f;&#x6d; or daveisamean&#x70;&#x65;&#x72;&#115;&#x6f;&#110;&#x40;&#101;&#x65;&#99;&#117;&#x65;&#46;&#x63;&#111;&#109; I would receive it. This was helpful as it allowed me to create addresses for every site that I submitted my information to, such as &#116;&#x61;&#114;&#103;&#101;&#x74;&#x40;&#101;&#101;&#99;&#x75;&#x65;&#46;&#x63;&#x6f;&#109;, &#97;&#109;&#97;&#x7a;&#x6f;&#110;&#64;&#x65;&#x65;&#99;&#117;&#101;&#x2e;&#99;&#111;&#x6d;, etc. That way if those companies sold my address to a list I would know they were responsible for the spam.

This seemed like a good idea until I started getting dictionary Joe Jobbed a few years ago. A Joe Job is when someone sends emails from your account to discredit you. In my case it was just a spam bot sending spams from random addresses I don't think it was an attack on me, I just have a short domain name that has a catch-all address.

The joe-jobbing caused me to receive thousands of bounce messages. Today I finally decided to turn off the catch-all functionality in my email server. First I dug through my archived mail to find any important addresses that I still needed to receive mail at. I added aliases for the ones that would be hard to change. Any address that was easy to change I just logged into the site it corresponded to and changed it to my main address.

After getting rid of the catch-alls I set up a Sender Policy Framework (SPF) record on my DNS server. SPF is a record on a name server that tells mail servers which IP addresses are allowed to send email for that domain. Luckily I only ever send email from my personal mail server so that was easy to fix.

These changes should greatly reduce the amount of spam and joe-job bounces I receive.

Friday, May 30th, 2008 -

Pushing Hackers to the Tipping Point

People love free booze and tickets to parties at which free booze is provided are a hot commodity at security conventions. A company called Tipping Point that is a subsidiary of 3Com is throwing a party tonight at Body English in the Hard Rock. To get an invite you would have had to RSVP with their PR people before the convention, which of course I didn't, or you would have to wait in "line" and get a ticket on a first come first served basis. I put line in quotes because the folks manning the booth didn't seem to have any idea about how to do an orderly giveaway. They told everyone to stand there and wait their turn, but never actually instructed people to get into a single file line. The "line" was actually more like a mob and when they started giving away the tickets it turned into a writhing blob of stinky geeks, I almost lost my camera bag in the chaos. In the end I got my pass to the party and I will go and take part in the booze drinking. I don't want to make a presumption about the quality of their product based on the lack of organization of their giveaway, but it is hard not to.

Update Last night we defeated the authentication system of the Tipping Point party and got about 12 people in with just the 1 token I won, plus 2 or 3 tokens that we temporarily borrowed from random people. The flaw in the system was pretty simple, the bouncers didn't take your token away when you got in so if you went outside to make a phone call or whatnot you could give your token or several you borrowed to your friends. The part was fun and being 23b, we danced.

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006 -

my fink package made it into the tree!!!

link to the package

NetBIOS Auditing Tool Release

As of February 16th Secure Networks Inc. has released a free (GPL`d) 

NetBIOS auditing tool for use both on WindowsNT and UNIX platforms. 

The tool itself is designed to test NetBIOS file-sharing configurations as 

well as Password integrity of remote stations. 

The toolset is available via the following channels: (For NT and Win 95 binaries) (For full source) A technical description of how the NetBIOS auditing tool works follows. 

The NetBIOS Auditing Tool (NAT) is designed to explore the NETBIOS file-sharing 

services offered by the target system. It implements a stepwise approach to 

gather information and attempt to obtain file system-level access as though 

it were a legitimate local client. 

The major steps are as follows: 

A UDP status query is sent to the target, which usually elicits a reply 

containing the Netbios "computer name". This is needed to establish a session. 

The reply also can contain other information such as the workgroup and account 

names of the machine`s users. This part of the program needs root privilege to 

listen for replies on UDP port 137, since the reply is usually sent back to UDP 

port 137 even if the original query came from some different port. 

TCP connections are made to the target`s Netbios port [139], and session 

requests using the derived computer name are sent across. Various guesses at 

the computer name are also used, in case the status query failed or returned 

incomplete information. If all such attempts to establish a session fail, 

the host is assumed invulnerable to NETBIOS attacks even if TCP port 139 was 


Provided a connection is established Netbios "protocol levels" are now 

negotiated across the new connection. This establishes various modes and 

capabilities the client and server can use with each other, such as password 

encryption and if the server uses user-level or share-level Security. The 

usable protocol level is deliberately limited to LANMAN version 2 in this 

case, since that protocol is somewhat simpler and uses a smaller password 

keyspace than NT. 

If the server requires further session setup to establish credentials, various 

defaults are attempted. Completely blank usernames and passwords are often 

allowed to set up "guest" connections to a server; if this fails then guesses 

are tried using fairly standard account names such as ADMINISTRATOR, and some 

of the names returned from the status query. Extensive username/password 

checking is NOT done at this point, since the aim is just to get the session 

established, but it should be noted that if this phase is reached at all MANY 

more guesses can be attempted and likely without the owner of the target 

being immediately aware of it. 

Once the session is fully set up, transactions are performed to collect more 

information about the server including any file system "shares" it offers. 

Attempts are then made to connect to all listed file system shares and some 

potentially unlisted ones. If the server requires passwords for the shares, 

defaults are attempted as described above for session setup. Any successful 

connections are then explored for writeability and some well-known file-naming 

problems [the ".." class of bugs]. 

If a NETBIOS session can be established at all via TCP port 139, the target is 

declared "vulnerable" with the remaining question being to what extent. 

Information is collected under the appropriate vulnerability at most of 

these steps, since any point along the way be blocked by the Security 

configurations of the target. Most Microsoft-OS based servers and Unix SAMBA 

will yield computer names and share lists, but not allow actual file-sharing 

connections without a valid username and/or password. A remote connection to 

a share is therefore a possibly serious Security problem, and a connection 

that allows WRITING to the share almost certainly so. Printer and other 

"device" services offered by the server are currently ignored. 

For more information about NAT see: - Oliver Friedrichs 


Secure Networks Incorporated. Calgary, Alberta, Canada, (403) 262-9211 

Tuesday, November 12th, 2002 -


Tags (Alpha)

activation-functions  ai  ai-ml  album-names  alexnet  alphago  anomaly-detection  antennas  apple  apple-news  apple-photos  art-center-college-of-design  artificial-intelligence  attention-mechanisms  autoencoders  autonomous-vehicles  autonomous-weapons  backpropagation  bert  big-data  black-hat-2007  blog-series  blogging  books  california  california-academy-of-sciences  canon-r6-mark-ii  canon-rf-2470mm-f-2-8-l-is-usm-lens  caption-generation  caves  celebrity-detection  chatgpt  chemistry  cnn  cnns  communication-with-interplanetary-spacecrafts  computer-vision  convolutional-layers  convolutional-neural-networks  crowdrise  data-denoising  data-extraction  data-privacy  decision-trees  decoder  deep-learning  deep-space-network--dsn-  denoising-autoencoders  dimensionality-reduction  disneyland  drum--n--bass  eecue  embeddings  encoder  engineering-leader  ensemble-learning  ethical-dilemmas  ethics  face-detection  facial-recognition  family  family-trips  feature-extraction  feedforward-neural-networks  fireworks  fnns  food  fully-connected-layers  gans  geeks  general  generative-models  gofundme  golden-gate-park  goldstone-deep-space-communications-complex  gpt  gpt3  gpus  gradient-descent  gru  gtd  ham-radio  hardware-accelerators  health  healthcare  hidden-states  history  image-analysis  image-classification  image-generation  image-keywords  image-processing  image-recognition  imagenet  innovation  interplanetary-spacecrafts  ios  ipad  iphone  japan  koreatown  large-language-models  latent-space  layers  led  lemos-farm  links  llm  locations  los-angeles  loss-functions  lstm  machine-learning  messagepack  military  ml-keyword-detection  ml-photo-scores  mlps  multilayer-perceptrons  music  nasa-jet-propulsion-laboratory--jpl-  natural-language-processing  navwar  neural-networks  neurons  new-mexico  nuclear  object-detection  openai  osxphotos  outdoors  overfitting  parallel-computing  photo-management  photo-sharing  photography  photos  photos-app  pirates  politics  pooling-layers  pyrotechnics  python  radar-imaging  recurrent-neural-networks  reinforcement-learning  rekognition  reverse-engineering  rnn  rnns  robotics  robots  san-bernardino-cave-and-technical-rescue-team  san-francisco  sar  science  security  segmentation  selfsupervised-learning  sequential-data  snarl  space-communication  space-exploration  spawar  speech-recognition  sqlite  support-vector-machines  symbolic-ai  tags-labeling  technical-skills  technology  temporal-dependencies  tensorflow  the-vermont-on-wilshire  time-series-forecasting  tpus  ujet  vaes  variational-autoencoders  vision-transformers  wag  wired  writing  

Tags (Count)

photography  los-angeles  links  general  technology  eecue  politics  security  japan  apple  sar  food  music  science  black-hat-2007  california  outdoors  new-mexico  nuclear  caves  machine-learning  robots  deep-learning  drum--n--bass  geeks  neural-networks  snarl  ai  computer-vision  gpus  gtd  health  natural-language-processing  object-detection  artificial-intelligence  autoencoders  backpropagation  celebrity-detection  chatgpt  cnn  facial-recognition  feature-extraction  fnns  gradient-descent  ham-radio  imagenet  osxphotos  robotics  sequential-data  spawar  sqlite  tpus  writing  activation-functions  ai-ml  album-names  alexnet  alphago  anomaly-detection  antennas  apple-news  apple-photos  art-center-college-of-design  attention-mechanisms  autonomous-vehicles  autonomous-weapons  bert  big-data  blog-series  blogging  books  california-academy-of-sciences  canon-r6-mark-ii  canon-rf-2470mm-f-2-8-l-is-usm-lens  caption-generation  chemistry  cnns  communication-with-interplanetary-spacecrafts  convolutional-layers  convolutional-neural-networks  crowdrise  data-denoising  data-extraction  data-privacy  decision-trees  decoder  deep-space-network--dsn-  denoising-autoencoders  dimensionality-reduction  disneyland  embeddings  encoder  engineering-leader  ensemble-learning  ethical-dilemmas  ethics  face-detection  family  family-trips  feedforward-neural-networks  fireworks  fully-connected-layers  gans  generative-models  gofundme  golden-gate-park  goldstone-deep-space-communications-complex  gpt  gpt3  gru  hardware-accelerators  healthcare  hidden-states  history  image-analysis  image-classification  image-generation  image-keywords  image-processing  image-recognition  innovation  interplanetary-spacecrafts  ios  ipad  iphone  koreatown  large-language-models  latent-space  layers  led  lemos-farm  llm  locations  loss-functions  lstm  messagepack  military  ml-keyword-detection  ml-photo-scores  mlps  multilayer-perceptrons  nasa-jet-propulsion-laboratory--jpl-  navwar  neurons  openai  overfitting  parallel-computing  photo-management  photo-sharing  photos  photos-app  pirates  pooling-layers  pyrotechnics  python  radar-imaging  recurrent-neural-networks  reinforcement-learning  rekognition  reverse-engineering  rnn  rnns  san-bernardino-cave-and-technical-rescue-team  san-francisco  segmentation  selfsupervised-learning  space-communication  space-exploration  speech-recognition  support-vector-machines  symbolic-ai  tags-labeling  technical-skills  temporal-dependencies  tensorflow  the-vermont-on-wilshire  time-series-forecasting  ujet  vaes  variational-autoencoders  vision-transformers  wag  wired